to Pledge and Grab Your SeTU Now!

to Pledge and Grab Your SeTU Now!


Engaging pathway to deepen understanding

This distinctive and enjoyable digital game is crafted to uncover the dynamic relationship between organizational values and corresponding behaviors. Participants also gain insight into how their decisions could impact themselves, their teams, and their organizations.


SeTU is a game deeply rooted in history. Inspired by the ancient 13th century Indian game called Mokshapath developed by Swami Gyandev, familiar to us in modern times as Snakes and Ladders, SeTU provides clarity about positive and negative behavior. Through gameplay, we help players realize that their karma and happiness are influenced by their daily choices.


A highly immersive and engaging digital game, the players navigate a board filled with various scenarios that reflect real workplace situations. As they progress, they encounter “ladders” that represent positive behaviors aligned with organizational values, propelling them forward, and “serpents” that symbolize negative behaviors, causing setbacks.

The gameplay involves making decisions at each step, with immediate feedback highlighting the consequences of these choices on their journey. This interactive approach helps players internalize core values and understand the impact of their actions on their own success and the success of the organization.

The players develop a deeper appreciation for the organization’s values and learn to exhibit behaviors that foster a positive and inclusive workplace culture.


Value Buddies

Value Buddies

They are the gatekeepers of the Crossroads in the game. At every crossroad, 3 choices will take you forward and 1 will take you back.     

The Value Buddies are your allies to make sure you go forward. But it is up to you to make the correct choice. 



The player tokens designed around elements of nature - Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Element tokens represent you on the board. Each token represents a unique personality type. When the time comes, pick an element that resonates deeply with you!



The roll of dice symbolizes how life plays out and its unpredictable nature.
Destiny Gates

Destiny Gates

Throughout your journey, you will pass Destiny Crossroads — critical points in your career. You will be faced with choices that decide whether you move forward in the game or not.
Karma Badges

Karma Badges

Progressing up or falling down is not merely a matter of luck, but rather the choices we make. Aligned to the different stages of life, the serpent of destiny and the ladders are the Karma badges that symbolize how one gains positive karma through upholding of values and also losing the same when values are compromised.
The Decision Impact Scale

The Decision Impact Scale

This scale shows the impact of your decisions in the game. As you cross more career stages, your decisions have more impact — good and bad. So make your decisions wisely!


SeTU™ is an innovative & highly configurable digital game designed to help employees discover and internalize organizational values and behaviors in an engaging and interactive way.

By presenting real-world work scenarios, the game offers real-time feedback, encouraging players to understand the impact of their choices and fostering a deeper alignment with the organization’s values. This approach not only reinforces the desired behaviors but also promotes a culture of inclusivity and accountability, making SeTU™ a powerful tool for embedding organizational values and behaviors.

Why SeTU™?

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Enhanced Employee Engagement and Understanding

SeTU™ transforms the process of learning organizational values and behaviors into an interactive and enjoyable experience. By engaging employees in gameplay, SeTU™ ensures that core values and expected behaviors are not only communicated but also deeply understood and internalized.

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Real-Time Reflection and Behavior Alignment

Through the dynamic gameplay of SeTU™, employees can reflect on their actions and choices in real time. This immediate feedback helps them see the direct impact of their behaviors on their own success and the success of the organization, fostering a stronger alignment with the company’s values.

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Empowerment Through Independent Decision-Making

SeTU™ encourages independent decision-making by allowing players to navigate scenarios that reflect real workplace scenarios. This empowerment helps employees understand the consequences of their choices, fostering a sense of accountability and encouraging behaviors that align with the organization’s values.

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Highly configurable

SeTU™ can be configured to reflect the specific values and behaviors unique to your organization, ensuring that the gameplay is directly relevant and impactful for your employees. This flexibility allows you to incorporate real-life scenarios and challenges that your team may encounter, making the learning experience more practical and applicable.

Organizational alignment of values is important because it helps to encourage collaboration and a mutual pursuit of company goals, which has several long-term benefits to the success and productivity of an organization.

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