The Gamification Company

How to engage employees using Gamification in BPO

Why do BPOs need engaged employees? In the customer-centric culture of BPOs, an engaged employee will lead to customer satisfaction and retention. The enthusiasm of the employee will reach the customers. It is challenging for any organization to keep employees engaged day in and day out. Ultimately, it needs to come from within. Gamification is a brilliant way to bring about long term engagement and positive behavioural change. For more information visit us at

Here are the top 3 ways to engage employees using Gamification in the BPO industry,

1. Capability-based goals

While it is great to aim high and applaud the top achievers, large scale engagement requires motivated employees at every performance level. Gamification achieves this by allowing multiple KPIs to be measured in a transparent and engaging way.

2. Mentorship

Gamification balances out competition and collaboration beautifully. Being a mentor in a gamified environment is the best feeling because it makes you feel like a part of something bigger than yourself. It is an exciting journey for those who are being mentored as they can express themselves and observe their progress.

3. Recognition

Gamification is one of the best methods to bring about positive behavioural change because it is fair. It enables the recognition of not only the best performers but also the most-improved performers. In a BPO environment where every day brings a new challenge, a reliable recognition mechanism works wonders

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