The Gamification Company

fun employee engagement activities

Gamification Solutions to Engage, Motivate and Achieve

employee engagement activities

Making the mundane, fun

According to a survey by the American Psychology Association (APA), 50% of surveyors reported that they did not feel like they were bring rewarded or appreciated for their work at their job. And hence, decided to switch. This conclusion holds true. It can be seen all around us. Children who do not get positive reinforcement, do not perform as well as their peer who do.

The employees who get more promotions and awards, seem to always be excited about coming to work. Little actions go a long way in determining human decisions and feelings. At The Gamification Company, we believe everyday actions do not have to be mundane. Workspaces and work can be exciting if made to be. That learning is as engaging as made out to be. That’s why we use our expertise in gamification of platforms fun and simple.

We engage

We believe that be it learning a language or working a 9 to 5 job, it is never a one-way street. The more give and take actions taken while learning or working can be made, the better the results. Take making a presentation for example.

If the speaker is droning on, people barely pay attention. But if he is asking questions to the crowd or getting them to do activities, people are more attentive. Similarly, we make sure that we accelerate personal and organizational growth through engagement.

gamification for employees
gamification in employee training

We Motivate

The survey by the APA mentioned above holds true. Research has proven time and again that we perform better when we are rewarded and/or appreciated for a certain action. And when we are, we happily perform it again and again. That exactly why organizations and educational institutions motivate their people through gamification.

We put in reward systems in place that don’t cause stress or toxic competition. We not only build individual motivation but also help strengthen team motivation. Thereby, we increase overall organizational motivation through gamification.

We Achieve

When given the right engagement and motivation, people perform better. With gamification our aim is to achieve these goals, we help individuals, organizations, governments, educational institutions and societies perform better. We aid them in achieving their targets in a healthy manner. From KPIs to better scores, we have helped some of the world’s top corporates conquer peaks with human-focused gamification.

This is owing to the fact that all our gamification solutions are backed by the best in technology and scientific fundamental principles of human behaviour. We employ techniques like Appreciative Enquiry and Value Creation Process to accelerate your business. These methods help us get results. As per a study, 72% of employees report gamification made them work harder. This study is an example of how gamification isn’t simply an add-on now. It is a necessity.

gamification apps for employee engagement
gamification and employee engagement

Gamification - the solution you need to Engage, Motivate and Achieve

Our unique approach is precisely why our gamification solutions are being taken up some of the biggest corporations in the world. We at The Gamification Company, have managed to tap into some of our biggest needs as humans and have figured out design-oriented solutions to satisfy them through actions most people find mundane.

We’re even gamifying practicing ethics by harnessing ancient Indian wisdom through our game called SETU. We’re not just making daily tasks like employee onboarding fun, we’re also making it innovative. Gamification is the new way to engage, motivate and achieve. We know it we’d like to help you realize it too.