Learning Management Systems – Is it Time for Something Different?
According to Brandon Hall Group research teams white paper on ‘LMS trends 2015 – Is it time for something different?’ (©2015 Brandon Hall Group), there are many demographic and cultural shifts occurring that are changing the learning landscape:
- Brandon Hall Group’s research tells us that 57% of learning now involves on-the-job activities and informal learning, while 43% involves formal learning.
- The power and ubiquity of mobile devices grows at an unrelenting pace.
- People are continually finding new and different ways to connect and share thoughts and experiences.
- Millennials, a completely digitally native generation, are poised to take over the workforce.
- All of these things are causing organizations to take a serious look at the ways in which they deliver learning. The truth is, for all the features and functions of the modern LMS, it is still a technology rooted in serving a very traditional purpose.
While the Learning Management Systems (LMS) market has been successful over the last 15 years and technology continues to advance, it seems we are hitting a point of diminishing returns. Companies are demanding more new features, and ignoring much of the functionality that has been built into the systems in the past. The average satisfaction rating for feature sets has dropped consistently from 3.01 in 2012, to 2.95 in 2014, to 2.82 in 2015.
Brandon Hall Group’s 2015 LMS Trends Survey indicates that companies are dissatisfied with basically every aspect of the systems they are using and are looking for better options. However, this may be the point in time where simply switching to another LMS is not the answer. Instead, companies seem to be longing for a different strategy altogether.
This study – along with LMS Trends studies from previous years, and discussions with learning leaders, technology professionals, and LMS providers – has highlighted some critical calls to action to help organizations rethink their approach to learning technologies.
- Use Technology to Support the Learning Strategy, not Dictate it
- Solve Today’s Challenges, but Plan for the Future
- Leverage Technology for a Truly Blended Learning Experience
- Realize the Potential in Mobile, Collaborative and Cloud Technologies
The shift is happening and its unstoppable!
In some cases where organisations and leaders have embraced the shift and in some, where employees are forcing organisations and leaders to sit up and take notice. Low utilization of e-learning, LMS resources, falling attendance in classroom training sessions or the low attention spans displayed by participants in training programs are all symbolic of the fact that we need to seriously re-look at how learning is delivered today.
The simple fact is, as a learner, I want flexibility, to learn when I want to, how I want to and where I want to. To deny this is akin to forcing me to do something that I don’t believe in and any learning that doesn’t appeal to the belief level is a colossal waste of time and money.
It is a well known fact that for the present and future generations, the mobile device is an extension of their very being. Hence it is a given that learning through the use of mobile device is seeing and will continue to see a significant growth. Simpy put, the lack of time & the need to access learning anytime, anywhere and at my convenience will drive the increase.
From an organisation perspective
As an organisation, what is it that I really need from my learning systems; Relevance, Utilization & Cost.
Given the speed at which both the technology and the millennials are evolving, I need a system that is in tune with the times and is constantly evolving.
I need a system that is fun, easy and incredibly scalable.
I preferably want a system that works on the OPEX model and not a CAPEX model. I would prefer to optimize my spend on the relevant content rather than an expensive system which quite likely may become redundant very quickly.
Introducing M²OST
M²OST is an innovative & disruptive smart device application based learning & development distribution platform. It brings together the learner, the knowledge provider, the content and the end customer on a common platform allowing them to collaborate and transact irrespective of time or geographical distances.
M²OST application makes learning available anytime, anywhere and on your fingertips. All of this whilst giving you, the organization, 100% flexibility to control the distribution, who, when, what, how much etc. Through the use of the platform, it is guaranteed to improve the ROI of all your learning systems, processes and programs by improving utilization, effectiveness, efficiencies and reducing costs.
It can distribute open, wall gardened and hybrid content with ease and instantaneously without any dilution.
This platform is industry agnostic. It has an innovative 5 click query resolution format that allows the learner to identify and seek his information within 5 clicks.
It has an integrated assessment center feature that allows you to build and distribute your own customized assessments. It even has the capability to host psychometric assessments.
It has business to business, business to consumer or employee, consumer or employee to business and employee to employee use cases.